
Let us take you on a musical cruise…

On Sundays at 1pm, you’re the main character.

Our playlists are the soundtrack to your vibe, whether or not you’re the love interest in a charming 00’s romcom, back to summery school days kicking it in converse, or just in your sad boi hours - we have the tunes for you.

So if you’ve ever heard a song and wished the feeling lasted for more than a few minutes, we’ve got the show for you!

Crisp, clean vibes only. Synths and summer for days

sad sad vibes all round. sad boi hours. time to go numb in a warm womb of depresso-espresso

euphoric post-essay vibes. on top of the world, floating on clouds of well-restedness and success

feel-good songs that send you somewhere faraway and warm

kick-ass music to rock out to because honestly you only have the equivalent of that DVD screensaver icon bouncing around your brain